Education Questions

Is SketchUp Pro free for students?

No. For Higher Education students we offer great discounts via our authorized reseller program.

Do you offer student discounts for SketchUp (Pro or Studio)?

Students enrolled in a higher education institution can subscribe to SketchUp Studio for Higher Education. This subscription includes premium 3D modelers, building analysis software, cloud storage, and more.

This student subscription can be purchased through one of our educational resellers. If you are a student in the U.S. or Canada, your educational reseller is Creation Engine, Inc. If you are a student outside the U.S. and Canada, look up your regional reseller.

Does SketchUp offer discounts to teachers or educators?

If your school uses either Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals or Microsoft Education, you can also use SketchUp for Schools for free. Just ask your school’s administrator to install the app.

If you are a higher education educator in the U.S. or Canada, you can purchase SketchUp Studio for Higher Education through your educational reseller, Creation Engine, Inc. If you are a higher education educator outside the U.S. and Canada, look up your regional reseller.

Do I have to be teaching SketchUp to qualify for the free Educator License?

Absolutely not. Any educator who is teaching any subject, computer-related or not, qualifies for a free Educator License. We're interested to see what you'll do with it. Think it might be of benefit to your Spanish class? History? Physics? We think so, too. Request a license and let us know how things went.

How are SketchUp Pro for Education licenses different from full-priced commercial licenses?

The only difference between educational licenses and commercial licenses is that educational licenses have an expiration date. Functionally, there's no difference at all - both licenses allow you to do exactly the same things in SketchUp. Because educational licenses expire, though, we're able to offer free version upgrades on educational licensees, and no maintenance fees. Commercial licenses never expire, but there is an additional cost to upgrade (or an additional cost when buying a new license), unless otherwise noted.

What do I need to do to get a new (or renew) my educator's license?

To order a new (or to renew) your SketchUp Pro educator license, contact your local reseller who will fulfill your request.

In order to complete the license request, they will require proof of academic verification. Educator licenses expire one year from the date they were generated, and you can apply each year for a new license, so long as you are still an educator.

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