SketchUp File Support in 3D Warehouse

In an effort to keep the 3D Warehouse running smoothly we’re taking the time to clean up some functionality and improve performance. This has already begun with our recent change in supported browsers as we no longer support Internet Explorer 8 (MSIE 8) on the 3D Warehouse. Beyond the change in browser support we aim to keep our original goal of supporting the current version of SketchUp along with 2 previous. In fact, we’re actually going to be a bit more generous than “2 previous versions” with regards to what we offer on the 3D Warehouse and are providing support for up to 3 previous versions.

Our goal, at the end of the day, is for the 3D Warehouse to be efficient and simple to use for everyone with the greatest compatibility possible. To that end, we’re no longer going to support the older file formats from SketchUp 8 and SketchUp 2013.

What will this affect?

  • If you’re using SketchUp 8 or SketchUp 2013 you’ll no longer be able to download models from the 3D Warehouse from within the product.
  • If you’re trying to download a model from the 3D Warehouse using a browser, the only options available will be for SketchUp 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

What will not be affected?

  • Nothing will be changing for anyone using SketchUp 2014 or newer.

All content on the 3D Warehouse is automatically made available for the current version, if you have files which were created using SketchUp 8 or SketchUp 2013 they’ll remain on the 3D Warehouse and in the most current version with no additional steps needed.

If SketchUp version 8 is so near and dear to your heart that you can’t bear the thought of leaving it, we understand. But if you’re up for it, perhaps now would be a great time to upgrade to the latest and greatest version. We’ve made tons of improvements over the years and we think you’ll love the newest version of SketchUp even more!

For folks who still use SketchUp 8, who frequent 3D Warehouse to download models for their projects and who’re unable to upgrade to a supported version. We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause.

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