Feedback and Known Issues

SketchUp Labs features are all about feedback from the community in finding issues or improving functionality or documentation. For that to work, you'll need a place to provide your comments.

To provide feedback on Live Components please use the following Categories in the sketchUp forums.

Known issue for Live Components

Safari doesn’t support WebGL

We recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Edge if you're working with Live Components in 3D Warehouse.

Component definition name limitations

Live Component definition names cannot be edited via Entity Info. You can add a custom definition name to your live component via the component browser edit tab however, it will be overwritten if you change the configuration.

Component thumbnails limitation

Component thumbnails in the component browser will not update to match your configurations. We’re working on resolving this in a future release.

Nested objects are all groups.

We’ll be working to support nested component instances which will help improve file sizes and other areas like reporting

Nested groups will have “object ID” as names.

We are working on supporting more appropriate names for nested objects.

Triangulated faces

All faces in Live Components are triangulated. This is also something we plan to improve in the future.

2020 file format only

It’s only possible to download Live Components as v2020 files.

Units for configuration are fixed

Live Components can only be configured in the units that they were authored in. We plan to expand units support so that components can respect the units that the modeler is working in.

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