• If you’re sure you purchased SketchUp, but the software is telling you that you’re on a trial or that the trial has expired, then you’ve come to the right place! The solutions below will help you quickly activate your SketchUp purchase. If you’ve already purchased, then there’s no need to buy SketchUp again! You need to verify what plan you purchased, and select the corresponding link below for the solution for that plan.

  • There are a handful of issues that can come up with Online Features in SketchUp; Can't connect to web tools; 3D Warehouse, Extension Warehouse, Add Location and Licensing. There are a few techniques that may help resolve this issue. Update your default browser to a modern web browser SketchUp no longer supports Internet Explorer as it was retired by Microsoft in 2016. The default browsers that work best with SketchUp are Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, as well as the more recent versions of Microsoft Edge. Updating your browser version might help.